Lina Abascal is a writer and filmmaker. She lives in Los Angeles, where she was born and raised.

She grew up contributing to rock zines and later dance music blogs, sneaking around Hollywood with a fake ID interviewing your favorite musicians. She studied journalism in San Francisco before moving to New York, where she wrote the VICE column ‘Around the World in 80 Raves.’ 

Her first book, Never Be Alone Again: How Bloghouse United the Internet and the Dancefloor (2021) was a national bestseller and nominated for the Music in Culture award by the American Musicology Society.

For five years, Lina hosted the bookclub at non-profit art space Junior High Los Angeles focusing on selections by marginalized voices.

Lina is working on a variety of writing and film projects. She is open to commissions and consulting work. Email her and say hello. Her literary agent is Clare Mao at Sanford J. Greenburger Associates. Her talent manager is Brian Levy.



Lina is a frequent contributor to the Los Angeles Times. Her writing has also appeared in the Los Angeles Review of Books, WIRED, Rolling Stone, and more.


Lina is an award winning documentary filmmaker whose work explores how seemingly niche cultural movements touch on universal themes and trends.


Lina works with clients on creative strategy and copywriting. Past clients include Google, Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Equinox, Peloton, Spotify, Calvin Klein, Fernet-Branca, HP, and more.